Gerardine leaned against the sun-warmed stone wall, trying to look nonchalant as two attendants emerged leading a pair of horses. Renault, with that annoying knack for seeing right through her, chuckled and said, "Don’t look so uneasy."
She whipped around, her face betraying nothing of her inner turmoil. "I’m not uneasy," Gerardine retorted, her voice as sharp as the sword at her hip.
Renault just waved an airy hand in her direction. "It’s written all over your body," he taunted, grinning at getting one over on her.
"You are adept at reading people," Gerardine conceded, narrowing her eyes. She gave a small, begrudging nod. "That is a good skill to have. Especially in a fight."
"Well, I have seen you everyday for more than a week now," Renault mused aloud, his tone casual but with an undercurrent of something else—something that made her heart beat just a tad faster.
"Your majesty." Gerardine's address was pointed, a reminder of boundaries even as she admired his perceptiveness. "I have spent years with people who have read me less than you have in little over a week. It is a natural talent."
"Or perhaps I’m just adept at reading you," Renault shot back with a cocky smile that had no business being so charming.
"I doubt that very much," Gerardine said, shaking her head firmly, though inwardly she wasn't so sure.
His laughter rang out before he turned his attention to the horses. "Roger!" He opened his arms wide in welcome.
The horse named Roger pranced excitedly at first, seeming eager to greet Renault, only to veer suddenly towards Gerardine. She stiffened. "Sire?" she questioned, utterly befuddled when the beast shoved his head into her abdomen with unexpected force. "Oof!" she exclaimed, the air knocked clean from her lungs.
Renault barked a surprised, "Roger!"
Gerardine staggered backwards, arms flailing for balance, her gaze on Roger who was displaying a rather disconcerting interest in her. "What is the meaning of this?" she demanded, trying to regain some semblance of dignity.
While Renault and an attendant wrestled with the overzealous horse, the prince noted, "I’ve never seen him like this with a man."
"Excuse me?" Gerardine froze mid-step back, the words hanging in the air, choking her lungs.
"Roger likes women a bit too much, so I never ride him around ladies," Renault explained, oblivious to the storm he'd just sparked.
"Fuck!" Gerardine cursed silently. Is this how she was found out? Unmasked by a horse?